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Assasinen Helm schwarz

statt € 69,99
€ 64,98

inkl. 19% MwSt,
zzgl. Versandkosten*


Bitte Farbe/Grösse wählen um Lieferzeit anzuzeigen.


This Assassin Helmet is an enclosed helmet made from finely crafted, full-grain leather. Its full face-mask has broad eye-holes and a shaped pointed nose to provide excellent vision while still protecting the face with its stiff, durable structure.

Above the eyes, the face-plate is fitted with overlapping leather bands and a hexagonal patch between the eyebrows. These overlapping plates cover the top of the head and form a distinctive leather Mohawk and elongated skull appearance. The helmet fits over the head and is secured with a corded leather brace along the neck hairline.


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